The biggest gathering of science fiction, fantasy and horror fans in the country is just two months away… and will feature life, the universe and everything.

Organisers of the 60th annual Eastercon, which is this year being held at the Cedar Court Hotel, Mayo Avenue, Bradford from April 10 to 13, have just announced a new guest, author Eoin Colfer, primarily known as the author of children’s adventure series Artemis Fowl, but recently named as the man with the unenviable task of continuing Douglas Adams’s famous Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy series of SF comedies.

Eoin will be appearing at Eastercon on the Friday and Saturday to talk to fans about his new book, the sixth novel in the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy series, And Another Thing, as well as participating elsewhere at the convention.

Eastercon organisers say: “Eoin is an Irish writer best known for his Artemis Fowl series, and while fans of the Guide will have plenty of chance to ask questions on that area of things, he will also be getting involved in other areas of the programme.

“Penguin Books will be giving away some promotional goodies and prizes as well as a full signed, sealed and delivered set of Eoin’s back catalogue including a copy of And Another Thing, once it’s published.”

Other guests of honour include Jon Courtenay Grimwood, author of the renowned alternate-history SF series Arabesk and more recent novels including 9Tail Fox And End Of The World Blues; legendary American writer Tim Powers, whose works include The Anubis Gates and The Stress Of Her Regard; and David Lloyd, the artist on the original comic book series V For Vendetta, which was made into a hit movie starring Natalie Portman.

The event will also see, on the Saturday night, the SF industry’s equivalent of the Oscars – the announcement of the winner of the British Science Fiction Association awards.

Lined up for best novel are Nick Harkaway’s The Gone-Away World, Flood by Stephen Baxter, Anathem by Neal Stephenson, and The Night Sessions by Ken McLeod.

There will be talks and workshops, art displays, a dealer’s room featuring books and SF memorabilia, and gaming sessions.

The organisers add: “Things are hotting up as Easter gets nearer and we’ll be announcing more programme participants soon.”

For the latest news, check out the official website at