A woman was taken to hospital with burns after falling asleep with a candle next to her bed.

She woke to find the bedclothes and the wooden frame of the bed on fire at her house in Greystones Drive, Bogthorn, Keighley.

Three children, one believed to be the woman’s one-year-old boy, were in the house at the time of the fire.

The woman was taken to Airedale Hospital for treatment to minor burns but her son and the two girls were not injured.

Firefighters from Keighley were called to the fire at about 12.25am today.

Watch manager Steve Spencer said: “She was lucky that she had managed to put the fire out when we got there but she had burns on her hand, foot and leg.

“She had been using a candle and it had come into contact with the bedding and set it alight.

“This just highlights the dangers of candles.”