The Penny Plain Theatre Company are on the road again for their third summer season.

These Victorian travelling players start their tour next weekend with a performance of The Entire History Of The North at Grassington Festival, when 3000 years of northern history will be condensed into as many seconds. They will offer a somewhat sketchy recollection of historical events – including some previously undocumented – that have occurred in our part of the world.

The themes of the plays may be presented amid apparent chaos, but they are thoroughly researched and as accurate as the troupe can make them.

Based in Grassington this unique theatre company presents its plays in the guise of a hapless troupe of down and out players – Malvolio Hardcastle’s Mighty Excelsior Theatre.

Penny Plain Theatre Company will be appearing at other venues in Yorkshire throughout the summer, including Ilkley Summer Festival and Ripon International Festival.

  • Catch The Entire History Of The North at Grassington Festival on Saturday, June 28, at 1pm and 3pm.