There's been a welcome sight in the last couple of days of yellow penalty notices sprouting on the windscreens of cars parked illegally in the pedestrian zone next to the New Victoria hotel in Bradford city centre, a habit that been allowed to go unpunished for quite a while.

And with the start of the Broadway scheme, devious motorists looking to avoid paying any charges for leaving their cars all day have been evicted from their spots on the perimeter which occupied part of the pavement.
What with bollards blocking off the area next to the Midland Hotel which led down to Forster Square station, the areas where motorists can sneak in their vehicles for free are disappearing.
But some blackspots remain. The layby outside the Sportshoe business in Hall Ings is used by all-day parkers instead of the shoppers who could use it. And the junction of Kirkgate, Cheapside and Market Street is a notorious location for people stopping on double yellow lines or the pavement to pop to the shops or use cashpoints, obstructing road users and pedestrians alike.
Let's hope the traffic wardens move on to tackle this area next and also keep an eye for drivers blithely sailing through the main pedestrian zone in the city centre. Can't they read the prohibition signs or do they think they don't apply to them as people are forced to scuttle out of the way of their vehicles?
Double yellow lines are there for a reason - to keep roads and pavements safe and traffic moving - but selfish drivers are pushing the rules too far. With everyone armed with mobiles with cameras, why can't the council, which now enforces parking laws, set up a number to which people can text evidence of bad parking so wardens can be alerted and get on the case rapidly?
A lot of these cars are quite plush - Mercedes, Jaguars and the like. I feel if people have got enough money to buy and run one of these luxurious automobiles then they can afford about £3 per day to park them. If not the drivers should be using public transport.
Otherwise I suggest rogue members of the populace could start a campaign - called say Pavements Are For Pedestrians - to shame these people into sticking to legal parts of the highway.