FRESH plans have been lodged to increase the number of homes built at a farm in Birkenshaw currently run as a livery stables and yard.

The existing stables at Moor House Farm, Moorhouse Lane in the village, currently cater for up to 34 horses.

An earlier application to demolish the commercial stables as well as equestrian and caravan storage buildings in order to build six homes on the site was approved by planners.

Now owners Robert and Sharon Light want to increase the number of homes to nine.

The application by Mr Light, a former Kirklees Council leader and Conservative councillor, details how the scale and appearance of the development has been carefully considered to ensure they are appropriate for what is a rural area.

In a planning statement accompanying the application, it states: “The use of the site is wholly residential and is located on the edge of the existing settlement which is predominately residential in character.

“The amount of development is dictated by the need to meet the test to not give rise to harm to the openness of the Green Belt, nor harm the setting of the Listed Building.”

It adds: “It is considered that the scale and appearance of the development have been carefully considered to ensure they are appropriate for this rural area. The layout forms an appropriate cluster of development characteristic of a rural area.

“There will be the opportunity for landscaping at the site.”

They believe that as the site has been used for equestrian purposes and caravan storage it is a brownfield site within the green belt.

“It is also clear in the context of the scale of the scheme in comparison with the existing buildings that the ‘test’ of openness is passed. Therefore, the proposals do not constitute inappropriate development. As such, no ‘very special circumstances’ are necessary to justify the grant of planning permission,” it adds.

“Clearly the principle of the development of this site for residential purposes is acceptable by reference to the planning officer. Whilst the scheme is larger than the previous approval, it remains significantly less than the existing development on site. The variation to the approved scheme raises no issues of harm.”

A target date for Kirklees Council planners to make a decision on the scheme is by December 5, 2023.

According to the website for Moor House Farm, they run a family-friendly livery yard with local hacking and there is also an outdoor floodlit arena.

Moor House Farm was initially a milking farm, then a beef cattle farm and since 1997 has been run as a DIY livery yard.