A CALL has gone out for volunteers to walk and help care for the 80-mile Dales Way long distance path.

The Dales Way Association is in need of people to check for obstructions and missing waymarks along the popular path that goes from Ilkley to Bowness-on- Windermere, Cumbria.

The path follows the rivers Wharfe, Dee and Lune, taking in Bolton Abbey, Grassington, Buckden and Dent.

Volunteers will also work with the two national park authorities to make sure the path is well maintained.

Anyone who would like to find out more is invited to go along to the association’s annual general meeting at 12 noon on Friday 6th October 6 at the Red Lion Inn, Burley-in-Wharfedale.

Volunteers can also join association chair, Colin Speakman on Saturday October 7 on a six mile easy walk along the Dales Way from Grassington, meeting at Barden Tower at 10.40,am reached by connecting DalesBus 74 which leaves Otley at 9.50am and Ilkley at 10.15am returning from Grassington at 5pm.

2019 marked the 50th anniversary of the Dales Way which was initially devised by the West Riding Ramblers' Association with the 'leading lights' being Colin Speakman and Tom Wilcock Find out more at: www.dalesway.org