Residents are to be asked for their views on planned transport improvements in their area.

North Yorkshire County Council is staging a major public consultation exercise after South Craven was allocated about £277,000 over the next two years.

The area was identified as one of 28 so-called "service centres" to receive cash through the Second Local Transport Plan.

Proposed transport improvements have already been formulated following workshops and a sample survey of residents.

Now questionnaires will be delivered to every address in the area and residents and business people are invited to visit an exhibition at Glusburn Institute next Tuesday from 3pm to 8pm, or on Saturday, April 19, between 11am and 6pm. Council staff will be on hand to explain what is proposed and answer questions.

County councillor John Fort, executive member for highways, said: "It is hoped that as many people as possible will take the opportunity to express their views on the proposals being put forward.

"Among the proposals being put forward are traffic calming measures, improvements to junctions, improvements to public transport infrastructure and additional facilities for cyclists and pedestrians."