A paedophile who raped a 12-year-old girl after spiking her drinks with alcohol, and sexually assaulted two other girls, has been jailed for 15 years.

Ginger-haired, bespectacled Dexter Matthews, 43, admitted a range of serious sexual offences against three young girls over a period of more than six years.

Leeds Crown Court was told yesterday he laced the soft drinks of his rape victim with alcohol, including vodka, on two occasions and sexually assaulted her three times in the space of two weeks.

Prosecutor David Hall said Matthews, who had no previous convictions, targeted his first victim when she was aged between 12 and 13.

Mr Hall said Matthews, of Bradford Road, Moorend, Cleckheaton, took her on camping trips and to a working men's club.

He indecently assaulted her in a bedroom at his home, once or twice a month for a year.

Mr Hall said the girl did not report what had happened at the time because she did not think anyone would believe her, but told her boyfriend five years later.

The prosecutor said Matthews also bought drinks at a working men's club for his second victim, who was a similar age, and who he raped.

Mr Hall said: "He bought her coke, which she thought tasted funny. On another occasion he tainted her drink with vodka. She felt dizzy and sick."

He said Matthews pushed her on to a bed, undressed her and carried out a number of sexual assaults.

Mr Hall added: "She tried to fight him off and she was screaming. She cried herself to sleep."

He said the second rape took place the next night and the third incident was two weeks later, after she thought he had laced her orange juice with vodka. He held her hands above her head while raping her.

The offences against the third girl, which involved indecent touching, took place when she was aged between five and seven.

The offences took place between April 1999 and December 2005 and came to light last April when the third victim told her family and the other victims then came forward.

Matthews pleaded guilty, on the morning of his trial last month, to three charges of raping a girl under 16, two of indecently assaulting a girl under 14 and two of sexual assault on a child under 13. He denied three further charges, which were left on file yesterday.

In mitigation his barrister, David Orbaum said there had been some planning to the offending, but said Matthews' mother and stepfather were standing by him.

Judge Shaun Spencer, QC, told Matthews he had committed a wide range of sexual activities on his second victim which would only have been appropriate in the case of a consenting adult woman.

He jailed Matthews for 11 years for the three rapes and sentenced him to a further two years for the assaults on each of the other girls.

He told him: "Your inclinations in that way are likely to be dampened down by the time you are released."

Judge Spencer also disqualified Matthews from working with children for life and granted a sexual offences prevention order, prohibiting him from communicating with his victims for life, having unsupervised contact with females under 16 or allowing them in his home.