Green-fingered youngsters from Holy Family Catholic Secondary in Keighley have planted 1,000 daffodil bulbs on grass banking at the school's Spring Gardens Lane site.

They were helped by Mike Spence, a landscape architect and member of the school's parent and teacher association.

The PTA has funded the project to enhance the appearance of the school's grounds. Mr Spence said a similar planting session last year had been a great success, despite poor weather.

Around a dozen Year 7 pupils lent a hand to dig in the bulbs.

Mr Spence, of Shann Lane, Keighley, said part of the idea of the scheme was to encourage the youngsters to take a greater interest in the environment.

He said he had chosen a variety of different types of daffodils as these should bloom over a long period of time, rather than only providing a brief dash of colour.

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