A community centre plagued by vandals and thieves for the past year has suffered its third attack this month.

The Sedbergh Centre, in Huddersfield Road, Odsal, had already suffered £15,000 of damage this year - including the theft of computers, printers, security cameras and lead from the roof.

The charity, which specialises in providing sports and social services for young people and children in the area, has been subjected to five burglaries, eight separate incidents of vandalism and seven thefts.

The latest incident was discovered yesterday when burglars smashed two front windows and took £500 of music equipment.

Centre manager Arnie Butterfield, 48, said everyone at the centre now expected it would be broken into at least once a fortnight.

He said: "It just feels disappointing really, when you are trying to do work for the community and we are having to spend all the money that we have got on this stuff instead of positive activities for young people.

"But we have got to try to work our way through this, hopefully get some money and then carry on working."

Mr Butterfield, of Odsal, has been connected with the centre since he was seven and said the level of crime had never been as bad.

He said: "My office got done on November 5, twice in the same night.

"I came out after sorting the first one at about 1am and when I got back at about 8am it had been broken into again.

"The first time they took recording gear for the CCTV and the second time they took my computer."

Mr Butterfield, the only full-time member of staff, said the incidents developed from vandalism to burglaries in March.

He said: "In that month they took all the lead off the roof then broke in underneath and took the copper pipes from the heating system.

"We have stopped putting in security cameras because each time we do they get taken."

The self-funded centre and its volunteers have submitted a Lottery bid for £250,000 to refurbish the centre and add extra security. The first-stage decision should be made in the next few weeks.

Bradford Community Voluntary Services has provisionally awarded the centre £10,000 for CCTV, window guards and an alarm upgrade and police have made a survey of the building.

Mr Butterfield said: "The PCSO officers have been absolutely fantastic for us - they have come round, offered advice and generally been there for us."

A West Yorkshire Police spokesman said officers were investigating the latest incident.

The centre is looking for volunteers and a new member of the management committee to help with fundraising. Contact Mr Butterfield on (01274) 679843.