A pioneering mental health project held its first community "engagement" to discover if it is reaching target groups.

The event, at the Arts Factory in Cavendish Street, Keighley, was the NHS's first opportunity to find out how effective its new services for minority groups have been.

Roshni Ghar, a mental health group for Asian women in Keighley, hosted the event.

Two years ago the Bradford district was selected as one of 17 national Focus Implementation Sites (FIS).

These were chosen to spearhead new Government guild lines on delivering race equality in mental health care.

Salma Yasmeen, of the FIS, said: "Focus implementation is a hothouse of reform for the NHS. We really need to be setting the standard for the other areas and we are doing incredibly well.

"We want to create a genuine space of dialogue - a space where service users can tell us if we are getting things right."