INTERNATIONAL Women’s Day will kick off with a celebration of females in sport at an event at Bradford’s Alhambra Studio on Tuesday, March 7, from 9.30am to 3pm.

Speakers at the event include Kersten England who is the chief executive of Bradford Council, Tanya Arnold from BBC Look North and BBC Sport, and broadcaster Kate Hardcastle.

The conference will be a mix of seminars and discussions with speakers including rising taekwondo star Harleen Kaur.

Cllr Sarah Ferriby, Bradford Council’s executive member for environment, sport and culture, said: “Sport really is a great building block for life and this conference will be a great opportunity for those with a passion for sport to pass this on and inspire those who work with women in sport to achieve great things.”

Places at the Bradford Council-supported conference are free including a sponsored lunch.

Go to for details.