STUDENTS from a Baildon school recently welcomed a Holocaust survivor to speak about his experiences.

Year 10 to 13 at Titus Salt School were visited by Jewish Community leader Rudi Leavor.

Organised by Humanities teacher Richard Roebuck, Mr Leavor came to school to talk to students that are to travel to Poland in February to visit Auschwitz.

He spoke about how he and his family left Nazi Germany for Bradford in 1937. His testimony was a powerful reminder of the horrors so many experienced. His talk, followed by a question and answer session enabled students to understand the nature of the Holocaust.

Mr Roebuck said: β€œIt was a privilege for us to welcome Mr Leavor to our school. It encouraged the students to think about the lessons learnt from the Holocaust and what to expect on their forthcoming Humanities trip, where they will explore the topic further.”