Bradford's fight to reduce the number of babies who die before their first birthday is set to take an important step forward.

A team of experts will meet on Friday to review progress made so far since the launch of a report six months ago by the district's Infant Mortality Commission.

The Commission, set up by Bradford Vision, pinpointed poverty as the single biggest cause of infant mortality.

Since the report and its recommendations were published in December, Bradford has attracted national attention and the Commission has been invited by the Department of Health to feed into a national infant mortality review.

A task group has been set up for each of the recommendations and tomorrow the chairmen of each group will meet to review progress.

Bradford Vision's chief executive Elaine Appelbee said: "After carrying out such an indepth look into the tragedy of infant morality it is vital we take the right action.

"A task group will tackle each recommendation and ensure we are all working together across the district to address this literally life or death issue."