CAMPAIGNERS hoping to create Bradford’s first community pub are holding a public meeting on Tuesday night to outline their plans.

The Save The Kings Arms group is bidding to save the 200-year-old pub of the same name on Highgate in Heaton, which closed in May and is understood to be on the market for £235,000.

The pub, owned by Enterprise Inns, has been listed as an Asset of Community Value, giving the group until November 25 to confirm its ownership proposal before the property can be sold.

Sonja McNally, who is acting as chairman of the campaign group, said members had been meeting regularly and now had a project website outlining the latest developments.

She said: “The meeting is open to anyone interested in getting involved with the scheme, and will involve a presentation of the progress made so far and guest speakers including a spokesman for the Plunkett Foundation, which helps pubs in a similar situation.

“People in Heaton want to know what is going on, and although the project is forever evolving, now is the right time to let people see the plans we have been working on.

“We want people to ask questions and really have their say. We are still looking down the avenue of a community pub.

“We have been to three other community pubs to look at the investments and returns made, and how they are run.

“It’s the last pub in Heaton, and we don’t want to lose it and what it could bring to the community.”

In a statement promoting the meeting, which starts at 7pm at Heaton Village Hall on Ashwell Road, the group said: “Come along and find out how we can all help to save this 200 year-old pub, by forming a community cooperative and, with the aid of grants, loans from Co-Op funds and, more importantly, member shares, save the pub for now and for the future.

“The community-owned pub model works, there are more than 50 successful community pubs trading successfully, some for more than ten years, and we are convinced it can work in Heaton.

“All are welcome, so come along, bring your friends, neighbours, anyone, they don’t have to live in Heaton so spread the word.”

For more details on the Save The Kings Arms project, visit the group’s website at