Christian and Muslim leaders from Bradford will be taking part in an interfaith cricket match this weekend.

The match, which involves a joint team of Imams and Anglican clergy, is on Saturday at the Leicestershire County Cricket Club ground.

Christians and Muslims from Leicester pioneered the idea of a match between Imams and clergy last year, to promote stronger ties between the two faiths.

The Bishop of Bradford, the Right Reverend David James, who will lend his support from the sidelines, said: "This game is a model for others in using sport to bring people across the faiths together. It will be great to see clergy and Imams playing side by side and cheering each other on in the same team."

The Rev Jimmy Hinton, of St Stephen's in Bowling, will be captain and priest-in-charge.

"For a while now Christian leaders and Muslim leaders from Bradford have been meeting up in an effort to understand each other and bridge gaps between the religions," he said.

"So we jumped at the chance to be involved in the Leicester cricket match."

Bradford will also be sending Muslim and Christian youngsters to test their cricketing skills against teams from Leicester and Bedford.

People interested in going along to watch can call Khidmat Centre on 01274 521792, who will be putting on two coaches. The price is £1.