A GROUP of about 15 chanting protesters gathered in Centenary Square, Bradford, tonight to call on MPs to reject UK bombing missions in Syria.

Lesley McGorrigan, of the Stop the War Coalition, said "We are here today because tomorrow in parliament our representatives are going to be voting to join the bombing campaign in Syria.

"We are not in favour of that.

"It's an absolute mess over there and it will only inflame the situation."

Prime Minister David Cameron earlier urged MPs from all parties to unite behind British air strikes against the Islamic State terror group in Syria.

Downing Street made clear that RAF bombing missions against IS - also known as Isil, Isis and Daesh - in Syria are likely to start within days if MPs back military action in a crunch vote tomorrow evening.

Jeremy Corbyn's decision yesterday to allow his MPs a free vote looks certain to deliver Mr Cameron the clear majority for air strikes that he is seeking, with 50 or more Labour MPs expected to join Tories and Ulster unionists in backing action.

But Mr Corbyn insisted "more and more" Labour MPs were becoming sceptical about the proposals, warning: "We are not going to bomb our way to democracy."