A NEW zebra crossing aimed at making it safer for schoolchildren to reach Baildon railway station will be discussed by Shipley Area Committee tomorrow evening.

The humped crossing is proposed for a section of Station Road, near the junction of Roundwood Road, and committee members will consider two objections from residents.

They claim there would be light pollution from the flashing lights and also increased noise levels as cars mount and leave the raised hump of the crossing.

Council officers state that properties would be shielded from the bright flashing lights.

Opponents argue that a series of small speed humps along Station Road would be the best way of cutting traffic speed with a 20mph zone extended to slow cars as they approach Fairfield Drive, Foxstone Rise and Kirkfields.

However, officers are recommending approval after a survey showed more than a 100 people, including schoolchildren, crossed to the station in the morning, with the same number returning in the afternoon and evening.

The Council report also notes that the road was mainly used by cars not lorries.

"Where traffic flow consists predominantly of light vehicles, the effect of using road humps, should not result in an increase either in overall traffic noise or individual vehicle noise," the officers' report states.

"The proposed humped zebra crossing facility would create a safe crossing point on this section of Station Road."

Shipley Area Committee meets from 6pm in the Council Chamber at Bingley Town Hall.