THE last in a series of public lectures held at the University of Bradford will look at British Muslim politics.

In recent years, Bradford in particular has seen the issue of Muslim votes become increasingly relevant to the election process.

Thursday’s lecture, by Dr Parveen Akhtar, will focus on the electoral strategies of Muslim parliamentarians and aspiring politicians, particularly how they attempt to mobilise both the Muslim and mainstream vote.

It will also examine why political parties set up exclusively to represent Muslims have had limited electoral impact. Dr Akhtar will argue that the failure of mobilising the Muslim vote for an Islamic political party in the UK reflects, to a large extent, the lack of a coherent Muslim voice and agenda, but also a desire to work within the British political system.

The lecture takes place between 6pm and 7.30pm in the John Stanley Bell Lecture Theatre in the city campus Richmond Building.

Tickets can be obtained by visiting The University will be a polling station for the Bradford West constituency in the forthcoming election and in recent weeks has held a series of events to raise awareness of political issues, local and national, among students, staff and local residents, including lectures, hustings and a mini conference for schools and colleges.