MIKRON Theatre Company has joined forces with the National Federation of Women’s Institutes to celebrate 100 years of the WI.

Raising Agents (pictured) will be hosted by Gomersal WI and performed at the BBG Academy in Birkenshaw on Saturday, May 9.

Mikron is the only theatre company touring the country by narrowboat, travelling along canals and mooring up at venues such as pubs, village halls and marinas. The cast of four unpacks sets, props, costumes, musical instruments and lights and, as the audience gathers, conjures up a variety of characters, stories and songs.

Raising Agents is set around Bunnington WI, a branch with dwindling membership and limited funds. It can barely afford the use of the village hall, let alone a decent speaker. So when a PR guru becomes a member, the women are initially glad of new blood.

But the milk of WI kindness begins to sour when the PR whizz re-brands the branch the ‘Bunnington Bunnies’, and a battle commences not just for the title, but for the the WI itself.

The show has a strong musical element, with original music composed by musicians O’Hooley and Tidow, recently nominated for Best Duo in the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards.

For more about the production, call (01274) 878 910.