A DONATION of gardening equipment is proving a big hit with aspiring young gardeners in Keighley (pictured).

The B&Q outlet in Keighley supplied the equipment to the Craft Tea Corner group, which has used the items to help set up the Worth Valley Primary School Warriors.

Craft Tea Corner chairman David Weston thanked B&Q for the contribution of equipment including tools, compost, soil, and plants.

He added: “Through working with Worth Valley Primary School and their ethos of ‘Supporting the Community’, along with the Sue Belcher Centre’s own gardening group, we’re now able to give tutoring to the pupils once a week on how to grow vegetables and everything involved with the care of the soil.”

He paid tribute to volunteer and gardening expert Allan Glew – known by his Worth Valley Primary School Warriors nickname of Allan Leafmulch –who has been helping the children plant their own vegetable garden.

Mr Weston added: “At all times the pupils are supervised by staff from the school as well as volunteers, providing them with a full and fun filled experience.”