A BAILDON man has been jailed after he was found to have sent horrific images of child abuse to others with a similar interest.

The pictures included one of a naked nine-year-old girl tied to a bench being molested.

Leeds Crown Court heard today the sick images distributed by Samraj Singh Kundi were among a collection of 350 films and images discovered on his computer equipment.

Some of those found which had not been shared involved the abuse of babies, Michael Smith prosecuting.

He told the court police had gone to an address in Teesside in February last year after receiving information about a specific computer exchange seeking images of child sexual activity.

That was the address of Kundi’s uncle who was arrested but innocent and he pointed the finger at his nephew who had been staying for a time.

That led in July to Kundi’s arrest and his computer equipment including a laptop and hard drive being examined.

Among the 350 images and films it was found 212 were rated as Category A the most serious.

That included images of babies as young as two or three months. Some extreme pornography involving animals were also found.

Kundi admitted sending ten to 15 images to other people including the sado-masochistic images of the nine-year-old girl and another said to involve a young girl molested by a clown.

He accepted he had sought out material while staying at his uncle’s home and saving it in folders. He said he had done so for sexual gratification.

He also admitted talking to others with a similar interest on the internet or in chatrooms and distributing some of the images to them.

He said he was not interested in animal pornography but would sometimes receive it in exchange for what he sent.

Tom Rushbrooke, representing Kundi, said he had sought help for his problem through Safer Lives and had expressed his remorse and regret to the probation service.

He accepted the case crossed the custody threshold but suggested the sentence could be suspended.

“Prison will come as a real shock to him, he will lose his job as well as his good character,” Mr Rushbrooke said.

Kundi, 25 of Woodcot Avenue, admitted three charges of distributing movies or images, 11 of possessing indecent images and three of having extreme images.

He was jailed for two years and ordered to register as a sex offender for ten years.

Judge Tom Bayliss QC told him: “Those who engage in this type of activity must realise they will be traced.”

He said while the images of the abuse of babies were not among those distributed, those that were involved young children suffering emotional and physical harm in abuse staged by adults for the purpose of pornography “and your actions contributed to that”.