COUNCIL planning officers have called proposals for a new restaurant “poorly thought out” and have refused permission for it to go ahead.

Hiralal Mistry wanted to turn 237 Cooper Lane, a small convenience store in Buttershaw, into a restaurant due to declining business. But the application attracted numerous objections, with a 38-signature petition against the proposals and 11 separate objections, claiming the restaurant would cause anti social behaviour, highways issues and smells.

One letter of support claimed many of the objections had been fabricated.

Planners agreed that there was no evidence that a restaurant would lead to anti-social behaviour, but they raised several other concerns. Officers said: “The scheme has been poorly thought out and the proposed layout is unacceptable with the living conditions of the residential accommodation unacceptably compromised by the sub-division, which includes sharing kitchen facilities with the restaurant.

“Habitable rooms are also positioned alongside the main areas of the restaurant which will clearly result in noise, odour and general disturbance from the restaurant.”