ONE of the region’s oldest residents has died aged 107. 

Florence Stott, who had been a resident at Riddlesden Rest and Convalescent Home for just over five years, had attributed her longevity to “hard work”.

Her son, Granville, who is 74 this week, said: “You had to be resilient growing up in the early 1900s.

“She left school at 12 to work in weaving and spent many years in the mill.

“Mum was a very strong-willed and determined woman. She would tell you straight what she thought.”

Mrs Stott was born in Dewsbury but moved to Keighley when she was just six.

She attended Ingrow School.

In 1929, when living at Diamond Street, Ingrow, she married Milton.

The couple moved to Thwaites and later Sandbeds.

“She was very active and as a 90-year-old was looking after my father,” said Granville.

“She always said that hard work was the key and her sisters all lived to an old age.”

Her husband died 13 years ago.

Mrs Stott leaves Granville, two grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

  • The oldest person in Britain is reportedly Gladys Hooper, from Ryde on the Isle of Wight, who is 112. She took up the mantle earlier this year following the death of Ethel Lang, who was 114.