Melting icecaps! The world is in danger and we need to save it - fast!

I'm Captain Planet and I've travelled the cold wastes of outer space to alert you to the danger that your world is in.

Every week I'll be highlighting the great work that you're doing to help me in my mission - and to induct new members into my Earth Crew!

After using my super-powers to seek out new and interesting ways of saving the planet, I've managed to find out about the great work being done by these young people.

Full marks to the pupils at Westbourne Primary School, Skinner Lane, Manningham, pictured, who have been collecting plastic bottles for recycling.

But it's a big world that needs saving, and I need more members for my Earth Crew! Get in touch and let me know what you're doing and I'll feature the best ones here every week!

  • Send your stories and pictures to Captain Planet, care of the Features Department, T&A, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1JR, or e-mail