The building of a mini roundabout and a lay-by in Menston is absolutely essential' for road safety, says a councillor.

But there were protests from some villagers when they discovered a plan by Bradford Council to cut a strip from the village park as part of the new road system.

The Council is proposing to build a roundabout at the junction of Menston Drive, Bingley Road and Main Street, and replace parking spaces which would be lost outside several shops with a lay-by.

Residents who fear the plan could pave the way for more of the green recreation area being developed by the Council in future, turned up at Menston Neighbourhood Forum to make their feelings known.

The land was said to have been bequeathed to the community by the owner of Menston Old Hall.

But Bradford councillor Chris Greaves (Con, Wharfedale) believes the roundabout must be built to prevent serious road accidents - and the lay-by is necessary to provide replacement parking spaces.

"I'm backing it to the hilt," said Councillor Greaves. "I'm still convinced the roundabout is absolutely essential for road safety. Cars shoot out of Bingley Road. They're meant to give way, they frequently don't."

He said the Council had been told by local people of numerous road accidents, but because no one was injured or killed in these crashes, they do not appear on the official road accident statistics sent to the Council.

He fears the next accident at the junction could result in someone being seriously injured or killed, and wants to see drivers forced to slow down.

If the solid mini-roundabout is built, yellow lines will be painted on the road nearby, which will prevent customers parking at nearby shops.

Coun Greaves said parking must be provided to keep the shops in business, and a lay-by with limited time parking would provide this.

He says the road would be widened to create the lay-by, and a strip of the grass around 124 square metres in size would be used to replace the pavement.

The plans for the layout and alterations to the park were expected to go up in Menston Library this week.

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