This chilling video captures the moments when petrified Nicola Slater ran into Bradford's central police station to escape from Delsol, who was following just yards behind her.

Miss Slater dashed up the steps at Trafalgar House, on Nelson Street, on the afternoon of July 30 last year and pleaded with staff to help her.


During Delsol's trial, Miss Slater told how she seized her chance to escape when he needed her signature on a form at the Job Centre in Manningham.

When he let her out of the flat where he kept her locked up, she determined to stay far enough ahead of him to make a dash for it when their route took them past the police station.

She heard him following behind but managed to stay in front by running when he could not see her and falling back to a walk when she was in his sight.


"I saw the police station and I thought 'I really need to take this chance.' I feared the doors might be closed but I made a beeline for it and ran inside.

"I said 'I've got my partner following me and I am really scared," she said.

This CCTV footage, played in court during the trial, shows Miss Slater running into the police station and going up to the help desk, upset and distressed.

Delsol, who was carrying a bladed martial arts weapon tucked into his trousers, then appears on the street, following closely behind.

He was arrested minutes later on Vicar Lane, handcuffed and taken to the police station. The circular weapon was found in the back of the police van that transported him.

Miss Slater told the jury she was totally taken in by Delsol, but that soon changed.

She said: "When I first met him there was no sign of him being the way that he is now. He was nice. He was polite. He was totally different from how he ended up."

She went on: "I was treading on eggshells all the time. I was scared to do anything. I was conscious of how I moved. What I thought; everything.

"He was very paranoid and making things up in his own head that weren't actually true."

She said he called her 'a tramp', 'a prostitute', 'damaged goods.'

"The slightest little thing and he would just flip."

"He would say I was weak and he could manipulate me easily," she said.

Miss Slater told the jury: "I felt like even if I went for fresh air, I was doing something wrong."

She said Delsol would froth at the mouth with rage.

She thought about climbing out of the attic window but there was a big drop.

Miss Slater managed to flee to relatives in Keighley but she returned to Delsol because she feared for her family's safety when he came to fetch her.

She resolved to finally get away when Delsol flew into another rage.

"He went crazy. He was frothing. He had all this spittle coming out of his mouth. He was like a madman," she said.