SKIPTON Building Society’s Bradford branch will open on Easter Monday - which is the first day of the new tax year.

The Market Street branch will be open to customers between the hours of 10am and 3pm on the April 6 bank holiday.

Aidan Walker, manager of Skipton’s Bradford branch, said: “We believe Skipton will be one of only a handful of financial organisations - if not the only one - open on the high street on Easter Monday on what is, after all, a traditional bank holiday.

“More and more people are unable to get to their branch because of work or other commitments.

"Easter Monday has over the years become a more traditional shopping day and we wanted our customers to have the opportunity to get their new ISAs up and running on the very first day of the new tax year.

“By opening our branch in Bradford on Easter Monday, Skipton is sending out the message that we’re still quick off the mark when it comes to ISAs and are committed to doing what is best for our customers.”