FESTIVE bargain hunters have been warned to avoid falling for dodgy deals from traders offering counterfeit goods and unofficial toys that could result in harmful consequences.

Likely targets for counterfeiters include make-up, which could contain dangerous chemicals such as mercury or arsenic, and alcohol which might have methanol, anti-freeze or fuel inside.

Toys and electrical goods are also targeted but are often of poor quality and have been subject to dangerous cost-cutting during manufacture.

West Yorkshire Trading Standards is leading the fight against Christmas counterfeiters and has had successes with investigations leading to prosecutions, including a jail term for a pirate DVD trader and a large fine for a sweet manufacturer using illegal dye.

The organisation has also introduced the Real Deal charter, requiring market operators to commit to fair trading on their sites.

David Lodge, head of Trading Standards, said: “You may not have imagined trading standards officers to be a key element of your Christmas, but without their work, our meals and presents could turn into disappointment – or disaster.”