SANTA’S grotto will be the centrepiece of big Christmas celebrations held in five Baildon venues on Saturday, December 7.

Father Christmas will be on duty in the Baildon Club and stalls will be loaded with seasonal goodies and gifts at the Ian Clough Hall, the Moravian and Methodist churches and in the hall of St John’s Church.

“Baildon at Christmas has got bigger and better every year and we’ve got things going on from 11am until 4pm all across the town,” said the event’s treasurer Val Sharp.

“There will be street entertainment and many shops will be open and music from the Noteworthy Women’s Choir, a brass band and the Baildon Ukelele will be touring the different venues.

“A children’s concert will also take place at the Baildon Club at 5.30pm when youngsters learning and drums will show off their skills.”