POLICE have been alerted to ‘card skimming’ crimes where hole-in-the-wall cash machines have been targeted more than once a fortnight in West Yorkshire over the last three years.

On most occasions, officers have recovered the equipment used by fraudsters, which includes iPods, cameras, mobile phones and fake plastic front covers used on ATM machines.

In 2012 the force investigated 30 such incidents, with 32 last year. Between January and July this year there were 24, suggesting the total may rise if the frequency of incidents continues but police said: “The number of offences and seized items suggests that this not a regular offence type within West Yorkshire.”

However, the force also acknowledges that the information it holds only represents incidents reported to them, so any incidents reported directly to banks which did not then make a crime complaint would not be recorded.

“ATM offences are taken seriously by West Yorkshire Police and we work closely with banks,” the force added.

Card skimming works by using a fake front on ATM machines which will either withhold cards or record details from the magnetic strip.

The PIN number is recorded by a hidden camera, or a criminal looking over the victim’s shoulder.