TALENTED young students from Ermysted's Grammar School,Skipton, have been given a valuable insight into the world of engineering.

Oscar Clements, 17, explored the practical world of electromechanical engineering at Cardiff University's School of Engineering, while 15-year-olds Tom Crossley and Fernando Georgiou studied electronic engineering and cyber security at the University of Portsmouth.

Oscar has already won an Arkwright Scholarship, awarded to the most talented of young engineers in the country and plans to pursue engineering at university.

The Arkwright Energy Challenge, run in partnership between the educational charity, The Smallpiece Trust, The Arkwright Scholarships Trust and Cardiff University, saw Oscar spend three days designing, making and testing different systems which either generated, used or controlled energy.

Sponsored by The Institution for Engineering and Technology, he was one of 24 Arkwright scholars across the country given an insight into the principles, systems and technologies in the expanding world of electromechanical engineering.