The number of arrests for drink driving in West Yorkshire over the festive period has soared by a third.

A total of 420 drivers were found to be over the limit in December compared to 320 the previous year.

There were also 25 arrests for driving whilst unfit through drink or drugs.

Inspector Russell Clark, head of roads policing in West Yorkshire, today said: "We take drug and drink driving very seriously throughout the year and not just during the Christmas period.

"We are concerned to see a big increase in failed tests and we will continue to rigorously enforce the law on drinking or using drugs and then driving.

"We've seen similar numbers of arrests in other months during 2006 and this confirms West Yorkshire Police's commitment to people's safety on the road.

"Our continuous proactive work and enforcement activity is keeping the lid on the rise in collisions involving drink or drugs, which is occurring elsewhere in the country.

"The message to anyone considering drinking or taking drugs and driving is clear: the police are always on the look-out for drink and drug drivers and offenders will be dealt with very seri-ously."