A serial house-breaker was netted when he flogged a stolen ipad bearing a photo of his latest burglary victim to a shopkeeper.

Sharp-eyed Mohinson Hussain, who was working in Lower Grange Convenience Store, Bradford, recognised the picture and alerted the police.

Mr Hussain first paid £50 for the stolen ipad so it could be returned to its rightful owner, Bradford Crown Court heard.

Dean Byrne, a drug addict who smashes his way into people’s houses with a shovel, was arrested soon afterwards.

Yesterday he was jailed for three years for burgling the property in Thornton Road, Allerton, Bradford, on October 9 and stealing property valued at a total of £1,674.

Byrne, 36, of Lower Grange Close, Lower Grange, Bradford, asked the court to take into consideration three more house burglaries and one attempted break-in.

Prosecutor Jonathan Sharp said Byrne’s modus operandi was to smash his way into a house with a spade.

He had previous convictions for 14 house break-ins and fell to be sentenced as a “three strikes” burglar.

The court heard that in the latest burglary, Byrne broke in through patio doors at about 4pm.

He was caught in the act by CCTV cameras sited on a neighbouring home.

Byrne’s barrister, Jayne Beckett, said he had written “a very eloquent” letter to the court.

His benefits were suspended at the time of the offence and he went back to taking drugs, the court heard.

Judge John Potter told Byrne: “You are acting out of greed and selfishness and have done for many years.”

The court heard invaded people’s homes to steal items to sell on to fund his drug habit.

House burglars caused real and significant harm to their victims, across Bradford and elsewhere, the Judge said.

Judge Potter praised Mr Hussain’s public spiritness in spotting the photo on the ipad and alerting the police.