A members’ club in a residential area of Bradford has been granted permission to hold public events, despite concerns from locals about nuisance noise.

The police had encouraged the Polish Parish Club (pictured), in Edmund Street, Bradford, to apply for the full licence after becoming concerned it was holding unlicenced public events.

Undercover officers had carried out test purchases where they had been able to buy alcohol without being asked for proof of club membership.

This, and concerns over drunken youths getting into fights, led to a review of the club licence last month. The club had been told it could keep its club licence as long as it followed various conditions, which included getting an expert in acoustics to visit and suggest ways in which the noise could be better contained.

But at the Bradford District Licensing Panel, club spokesman Andrew Krzyszczyk said this had not yet been done. He said the expert had wanted to wait until the club was holding an event before assessing the noise.

Panel chairman, Councillor John Ruding, said: “The panel on the day expected you to get this acoustic report done. I’m disappointed you haven’t.”

The club had applied for the full premises licence to run until 2am Monday to Saturday and 10.30pm on Sundays, but the panel decided to restrict this to Fridays, Saturdays and public holidays only, with 11pm closing the rest of the time.

Coun Ruding said a club in a residents’ area was “not a happy mix”.

He said: “By doing it this way, at least on school days and statutory working days people will not have to get up at six o’clock, seven o’clock in the morning having been disturbed through the night.”

The club will also continue to hold its club licence, which runs until 2am Monday to Saturday and 10.30pm on Sundays, and must notify the police before each public event is held.