A forum to raise the profile of mental health issues in older people takes place in Bradford on Wednesday.

Positive Minds, a not-for-profit organisation seeking to improve the lives of older people who are at risk of developing depression, is holding its fourth forum in the council chamber at Bradford City Hall.

Speakers at the event include Age UK England, RELATE National and the Department of Health.

The forum will focus on how vitally important it is that health, social care and voluntary care practitioners are aware of the acute difficulties being faced by older people with regards to their mental well-being.

Working in partnership with Bradford Council, the forums allow a wider audience to understand what is happening on the frontline as well as sharing good practice.

Marilyn Foster, chairman, said: “Being an older person doesn’t mean you can be left on the scrap heap or that you have nothing further to give to society, on the contrary, it is the older people who are supporting society through voluntary work, free baby sitting of grandchildren and paying taxes into the economy.

"It is absolutely necessary that society works to make sure when older people do feel down or suffer from depression and isolation that society doesn’t let them slip into further health problems.”

Places are now limited at the session so please book in advance by e-mailing Alison: Alison@kivca.org.uk or call 07949 789479.