A mother who made neighbours’ lives hell with her constant obscene shouting has made a heartfelt apology and vowed to make a fresh start.

And her own mother has promised to be at her side all the way.

Lauren Beckham found herself before Bradford magistrates last Wednesday where she accepted a three-year Anti-Social Behaviour Order relating to eight months when she lived in Hope View, Shipley.

The mother-of-four’s non-stop shouting, swearing and other domestic noise was so bad, one neighbour and her husband made a makeshift bedroom in their cellar to try and escape the racket.

Speaking in the living room of her new home in Heaton, surrounded by her smiling, loving children, regretful Miss Beckham said: “I admit I was wrong for shouting so much – it’s a problem I have.

“I’ll admit my bit of it – I’m not perfect, but we all shout at our children now and again, don’t we?”

Miss Beckham said her court appearance had served as a real “wake-up call.”

She said: “The photo of me coming out made me look as if I was happy but I was just relieved it was over.

“One reason I chose to accept the ASBO was because I wanted it to be quick for the sake of my children – I really love them dearly,” she said, cuddling her one-year-old daughter.

“I suffer with some mental health issues, but I’ve never had any real help in coping with my emotions or anger.

“I’ve never seen a proper psychiatrist or anything like that, but I know I need help – I find every day is a struggle,” Miss Beckham admitted.

Her mother Elaine Clarke was at her side on the sofa, surrounded by clambering children keen to show off their toys, as she spoke to the Telegraph & Argus.

And Miss Beckham’s mother hopes the shock of the ASBO could be the turning point which could put her daughter on a new path.

“It shakes you something like this,” said Mrs Clarke, 60.

“Lauren really does have a heart of gold and me, her sister, family and friends are all going to do our best to help her.

“We’ve all got to be strong for the sake of the kiddies,” Mrs Clarke said.

Looking at her life, Miss Beckham said there was a glimmer of hope already.

“They told me if I do well for 12 months, then they may discharge the ASBO early,” she said.

“I was so pleased by that and I’m sure I can do it.

“I’m really going to put all my effort into it.”