Flytipping is a major problem across the Bradford district and offenders will be dealt with, a councillor with troublesome areas in his ward has pledged.

Councillor Alyas Karmani (Respect, Little Horton) was speaking after a resident complained “horrendous and illegal” flytipping was taking place on wasteground behind Dalcross Grove with waste allegedly still there six months after it has been dumped.

The resident, who did not want to be named for fear of reprisals, claimed that wasteland close to Upper Castle Street was being used as a dumping ground by residents and that Bradford Council was failing to do anything about it.

But Coun Karmani said that the Council was doing what it could with regards to flytippers and it was dealing with a specific issue around Dalcross Grove. “I can say we do try with hotspot areas where flytipping happens,” he said.

“We know where the hotspot areas are and are working with all agencies to try to prevent it, but it is a persistent problem across Bradford.

“It is an ongoing problem with people who just don’t care about their areas.

“They areas they live in are transient populations. We have identified the certain areas and problem individuals and, when we move them on, the problem subsides.

“Dalcross Grove and another couple of areas are problems and we do use enforcement action “But it is difficult where there is private land and unadopted roads. If there is a persistent problem we can put an order on an individual and officers are currently dealing with this particular issue.”

John Major, Bradford Council’s assistant director for environmental health and regulatory services, said: “We have received complaints about fly-tipping on wasteland at the back of Dalcross Grove in Little Horton.

“We now know who owns the land where the fly tipping is happening and we shall be taking action to require them to clean it up.”

Anyone with information regarding flytipping can call the Council number on (01274) 421000.