He’s the master of illusion whose stunts include performing Russian Roulette on live TV, creating a video game featuring real people in a catatonic trance, predicting winning National Lottery numbers and getting viewers to ‘stick’ to their sofas while watching his show.

Now Derren Brown is bringing his sixth live show, Infamous, to Bradford. Described as a more “personal” show, it re-unites Derren with his collaborator and friend, actor and writer Andy Nyman.

“We’re eager to make this show feel different,” says Derren. “There was something of a template we followed with all the shows, which worked very well. It’s rather exciting and scary leaving that behind. This one should certainly have a different tone, and will mix things up a bit for those who have seen the others on TV or live.”

Having won an Olivier Award for previous show Svengali, is there a pressure to make this one even more spectacular?

“I just try to find what’s interesting to me, while making sure I don’t repeat ideas from previous shows,” he says. “This year as we’ve tried to change the feel of the show, that has brought its own concerns – how much should you change for the sake of changing? Why fix what wasn’t broken? But these are all part of the creative drive; complacency doesn’t help anyone.”

He reveals that he’s currently working on a new TV show while touring, and has another book in the pipeline. “Having my days free to read or write is such a treat; it’s one of the best parts of touring,” he says.

Born in Croydon in 1971, Derren traces his interest in magic and psychological techniques to childhood, but it was only later at Bristol University, where he studied law and German that he took it seriously.

He later abandoned a career in law and paid the bills by performing in cafes and bars. His big break came in 1999 when he was asked by Channel 4 to put a TV show together. The result, Derren Brown: Mind Control, was shown in December 2000, an immediate success. Since then he has wowed audiences worldwide with his blend of mind control, suggestion, showmanship and illusion.

Derren Brown Infamous is at the Alhambra from Monday to Saturday, June 1. For tickets ring (01274) 432000.