A prolific burglar who has broken into almost 300 homes has been locked up for three and a half years to give householders a rest from having their property broken into and looted.

Damien Hawkins, 37, was caught upstairs at a house in Grasmere Road, Bolton, Bradford, on April 26 after he targeted it with his burglar’s kit while on licence for similar crimes.

Hawkins, who was recalled to jail after being released in September, pleaded guilty to burglary. Prosecutor Heather Weir said he was a “three strikes” housebreaker but he had actually notched up six qualifying burglaries and had broken into almost 300 homes over the years.

Mrs Weir said vigilant neighbours alerted the police and Hawkins was arrested in the detached house at 3.30pm with his gloves and a screwdriver. A door was damaged and he had smashed his way in through a rear window.

The screwdriver was found on a bed near a drawer containing jewellery and other cupboard doors had been opened. Hawkins came downstairs when challenged by a police dog handler.