He might only 20-months-old but Addison-Lee O’Reilly Broadbent has already tasted double success in his short life.

Last year he was an age category winner in the Telegraph & Argus Happy Tots competition. But today we can reveal that he has gone one better in this year’s contest and is both age category and overall winner.

His delighted mum Victoria O’Reilly Broadbent, of Ravenscliffe, Bradford, said: “I am so happy and proud of him, when I got the phone call to say he was the overall winner I just couldn’t believe it I was so shocked. I was crying happy tears.”

The competition is in its 12th year and the T&A teamed up with the Kirkgate Shopping Centre in Bradford to give the overall winner £500 of shopping vouchers. Addision loves to play in the garden with his two older sisters Millie, eight, and Laila, four. So with the vouchers his mum is going to treat him to some new garden toys to play with.

The family will also receive a framed portrait, as will the three other category winners. His framed portrait will sit alongside many family photographs on display in their home.

Addison’s dad, Jonathan, said: “We are both so happy and proud I thought he would stand a good chance when he got to the final stage but I was so surprised when they said he was the winner. The whole family are amazed.”

The winners in each of the four categories were: Devon Ramsden-Stone in the up to six months, Pebbles Elise Terry in the six to 12 months, Addison-Lee O’Reilly Broadbent in the one to two years section and Adam Abdul-Jabbar in the two to three years.