Bingley clothing firm Damart has given thermal coats to Bradford District Care Trust Working Women’s Service which which helps street prostitutes.

Phil Anderson, the company’s marketing director, said: “As we are based in Bingley, we are aware of the challenges many services face in this current economic climate.

“To help combat this, we are constantly looking at small ways to improve the lives of people in our community and hope our coat donation will make a positive difference to people using the service.”

Michelle Khan, manager of the working women’s service, said: “Many of the women we meet struggle to cope during the winter. Therefore we are delighted that Damart is able to provide us with vital clothing that will make such a difference in their lives.”

Bradford Working Women’s Service is part of Homeless UK and provides support for women involved in or at risk of becoming involved in the sex industry across Bradford and Airedale.

The service also supports women who are not settled in one location or come to the Bradford area to work.

It provides access to drug treatment, housing and diversionary activities. Help with job search, training and education and support with developing routes out of the sex industry.