The weather may still be wintry, but health workers will soon be touring the area talking about the ‘sunshine vitamin’.

February is vitamin D awareness week in Bradford and Airedale, with a new public health campaign being run to make people aware of its importance.

There are two main ways people can top up their levels of the vitamin – by getting exposure to the sunshine without burning or taking supplements.

Health workers will be handing out more advice at the following community events: The African Caribbean lunch at St Paul’s, Manningham, on February 20, from noon to 1pm; Live At Home project coffee morning, Salvation Army Hall, Wibsey on February 25, from 9am to 11am; Lower Grange Community Centre, on February 27 from 12.30pm to 2.30pm and BEAP Bangladeshi Community Centre on February 28 from 11am to 2pm.