Bradford Council does not realise what it would be losing if it shut a picturesque museum, according to an environmental group.

Bracken Hall Countryside Centre and museum, on the edge of Shipley Glen, could shut or be transferred to a new owner under Bradford Council budget proposals to save £23,000.

But Susan Stead, secretary of Bradford Urban Wildlife Group, is trying to build momentum for a campaign to save the museum, in Glen Road, Baildon. She wants a stay of execution so local groups have time to research grant options to take over running the museum.

“If it can be retained, then we’ve got time to look into grants and see if we can get some voluntary help. But we can’t do that in the timescale we’ve got,” said Mrs Stead, who fears the facility could shut as early as April.

Mrs Stead said the group had a large involvement with the museum, hosting exhibitions and children’s workshops there, but she thinks the Council does not appreciate what the centre offers.

“It’s been a very well-used centre for people coming to the Glen and wanting information on it,” Mrs Stead said.

Baildon Tory councillor Val Townend said the museum attracted people to the area.

“I think it would be very sad if it were to close. I agree with keeping it open. I’d hate to see the closure. It’s something that’s been there for many years,” she said.

The centre was opened in 1981 by John and Mari Friend, who wanted to share the beauty of the area with people, and in 1984 the Council took over its running.

A final decision on the closure will be made at the Council’s budget meeting on February 28.

A Bradford Council spokesman said that the money being spent on the outdoor centres came from the schools grant from Government, and how it was spent was decided by the Bradford Schools Forum.

Bracken Hall is classed as a museum so does not qualify for that funding.