Council wardens plan a clampdown on “parking meanies” who clog roads outside Keighley schools.

They could be given special overtime payments so they are able to visit schools before they start the morning.

The aim is to catch parents who park inconsiderately or cause danger while dropping off their children.

Keighley Area Committee will vote on Thursday whether to provide £2,000 to fund the wardens’ overtime bill.

The money is part of a proposed £38,013 package of improvements to meet priorities in the committee’s Keighley Area Action Plan.

The package also includes £10,000 for environmental improvements in Keighley town centre and £2,500 each for Silsden, Ilkley and Haworth centres.

A £2,000 boost for the Big 10k charity run would pay for extra warden duties, mobile escort, filming and clean-up costs.

Debt counselling and money-management advice for vulnerable people will get a £5,000 boost.