A Bradford charity is asking for donations to feed young people needing its help.

The Joshua Project in Great Horton has started up a mealtime club so children coming to its Impact Centre can eat three times a day.

The charity which helps keep youngsters off the streets and out of trouble says it can only “scratch the surface” by offering food but it will make a big difference to the lives of some of those who turn to it for help.

Joshua Project Founder, Rich Jones, said: “We’ve worked this year to support children and young people who may find themselves in someway at risk of disaffection with education which too often has led to exclusion and young people finding themselves in a void, forgotten and not being educated.

“In many cases the support of our team has provided a lifeline and alleviated the feeling of hopelessness and chaos that follows exclusion. But we need your help.”

To find out more, or to make a donation, go to joshuaproject.org.uk.