It might have seemed like a woolly idea to the Dragon’s Den presenters, but a Yeadon family are making a successful business out of Christmas jumpers.

Mother and son Babs and Frank Hersey wore their own quirky creations to appear on the BBC show over the festive period.

While they say the Dragons “loved” their bold designs, they failed to secure funding from the judges.

But that hasn’t stopped them making a success out of their jumpers.

The Yeadon-based company, Woolly Babs Christmas Jumpers, has sold out of this season’s stock – and Frank, 30, and Babs, 59, are busy creating more sweaters to meet an expected spike in demand.

Frank said: “The show was recorded back in April, before this year’s Christmas jumper trend took off.

“We think the appearance will cause a short spike in sales, but will be really beneficial in the long run in terms of using it as an ‘As seen on Dragons Den’.”