Students from schools in Menston and South Africa have become the first young people on two continents to receive a Diana Award for their collaboration in a schools partnership.

Fourteen students from St Mary’s Catholic High School, and ten students from Mnyakanya High School in Kwa Zulu Natal have been presented with the honour set up in memory of Diana, Princess of Wales.

The award was made in recognition of the students’ collaboration on the Bambisanani Partnership which for the past six years has used sport as a catalyst to promote health, education, leadership and global citizenship.

Bambisanani is the Zulu word for working hand-in-hand.

Over the past year, the Young Leaders at Mnyakanya School have developed a HIV and Aids education programme, raising awareness in their community, supporting people with HIV and encouraging pregnant teenagers to continue their education.

The 14 St Mary’s students visited the country in July and worked at Mnyakanya School, Ntolwane Primary and the Zulufadder Orphanage. The schools’ representatives organised sports and reading festivals for primary schools.

Assistant headteacher from St Mary’s and founder of the partnership, David Geldart, said: “I am so proud of the young volunteers from Mnyakanya and St Mary’s. These young people are doing things for others that really matter. Their positive actions and commitment is making a difference in the world.

“They are wonderful role models who I know have already inspired others. They are all honoured to receive the Diana Award.”

Executive director at the Diana Award, Tessy Ojo, said: “The Bambisanani Partnership is a wonderful collaboration. We are delighted that the dedication of young people in Yorkshire and South Africa can be celebrated with a Diana Award.”