SIR - Victor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, is to be congratulated for winning a third term in office with such a substantial majority.His opposition to mass immigration and his refusal to accept migrant quotas as dictated by the EU has clearly resonated with the people of Hungary. This is despite the vast sums expended by the globalist Hungarian emigre George Soros who has provided financial assistance in support of open border projects.

The Visegrad countries comprising Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic are reluctant to cede control of their borders to the EU and are prepared to defy any sanctions which might be imposed.

The EU, in pursuance of greater centralised powers, risks alienating other member states in addition to the Visegrad countries, which in the long term may undermine the European project. Consequently other countries may vote to leave and the EU would then collapse of its own accord.

We live in interesting times!

Alec Suchi, Allerton Road, Bradford