SIR - Apparently Bradford has received £47 million of funding support from the European Union since the turn of the century (T&A, February 18) and we are told Bradford's Objective 2' team will be celebrating this.

Wow, these people in the EU must be extremely generous mustn't they?

Not really. They are effectively giving us some of our money back, and it's an extremely small proportion of what we give them in EU membership subs.

Let's put it in perspective, they have given us £47 million since the turn of the century and we give them £40 million per day!

It is estimated our membership of the EU costs each family in Bradford £3,293 per year. Is this something we should celebrate?

All the other parties think it is right that taxpayers in Britain fund a Hungarian railway, an East European car factory and a new sewer in Poland. I don't!

The funding' also comes via the unelected' Yorkshire regional assembly, conveniently bypassing our elected officials in London and Bradford, but neither our parliament nor Council seem concerned about this.

Thanks EU - thanks for nothing.

Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford & District Chairman , Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury